High-income earners are faced with an income gap that traditional retirement planning strategies are not able to bridge. It is estimated that a person will spend six times what they paid for their home during the retirement years. Navigating economic bubbles and constantly changing / escalating tax regulation are key areas where a person’s savings can literally hemorrhage money. Having supplemental retirement income that is immune to economic bubbles and taxes is a much appreciated benefit.
All financial decisions you make now have a compound effect on your future liabilities. i.e. future taxes are a direct result of the choices we make now.
Traditional Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERP) are impacted by economic conditions and/or future tax calculations. The result is that one does not really know how sustainable their future cash flow will be. Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst is a good tactical plan. Please watch the video below to learn about one of our most effective solutions. We work with your current advisors to add this important safety-net.
SMART Retirement
Discover the Strategic Movement Around Retirement Taxation® I encourage you to request a copy of this insightful book.
See key points points below:
> 2011 first Baby Boomers turned 65 – 10,000 per day drain on Medicare
> 2015 – # of workers per SS retiree is 3:1 and falling
> 2015 US Government Debt to GDP is 104% -> Dec 2022 ratio 129%
> Conclusion taxes are certain to increase significantly
> Deferring taxes is therefore unwise
>Price and monetary inflation especially harmful during retirement (Services inflation rate in 2022 was 7.22%)
> Market average rate of return is deceptive at best
> Future distributions require careful planning. (sequence of returns & taxes)
> Morningstar states a safe retirement withdraw rate is 2.6%-2.8% / year ($1million = $28,000 annual income)
> It’s more important to find ways to guarantee the safety of your capital and ensure its return than it is to find a high yield
This book highlights current major flaws in traditional investing and tax planning. A piece of wisdom from the book “All financial decisions you make now have a compound effect on your future liabilities. i.e. future taxes are a direct result of the choices we make now.”