I Want Financial Guarantees

Peace of mind with a “Financial Bunker” imbedded in a complete financial plan

Absolutes in life are few. Most life events are known, but the timing is unknown. Leveraging death and taxes is actually a solution for life long financial guarantees.

A complete financial plan enables one to see financial risks and likely outcomes. We work with your advisor team or we invite advisors from the National Referral Network to dive into all of your assets and cashflow needs. Estate, tax, income and legacy planning are integrated in a single plan. We strategically imbed a high-quality, well-designed permanent Life Insurance contract into your plan, creating a safety-net that is stress tested to withstand Great Depression and 80’s interest rate conditions over a lifetime.

Our team is especially focused on a safety net equivalent to a personal pension plan with 3:1 matching funds underwritten by major insurance carriers. Please take 3 minutes to learn more. Click on the below video:

Vinclair is a member of a digital family office of advisors able to provide a comprehensive financial plan. Please schedule a time for us to discuss how we can help you.

This chart illustrates why Fortune 500 executives and the ultra-wealthy use insurance to fortify their financial plan.  The cash inside this policy has a zero-floor to preserve principle and uses a market index with a Cap to receive on average 7% annual growth. Not shown, but this asset enables tax-exempt income (i.e. working capital) via loans. (loans are repaid a death) – Schedule a chat to learn how you can benefit from adding this asset to your portfolio.

Safety net option – core asset

Schedule a Zoom chat or call to learn more about how to fortify your current financial plan.

To learn more, visit How We Help – click here

For detailed explanation of the program we refer to as a “Financial Bunker”, click on the link below:

Easy DIY education via “ilia” – click here and review Kai-Zen at your own pace.

View the documents below for more information: