Business Benefits Solutions

Vinclair Corporation is part of a virtual family office suite of services. We work with small business owners to ensure that they retain the best benefits for themselves, family and employees. We leverage our 22+ years of experience in assessing and designing solutions in the following areas:

Retirement planning programs:

  • Executive tax-exempt compensation programs
  • Supplemental retirement income programs
  • Long-term care benefits
  • Attract and retaining key employees

Healthcare Financing programs

We are Small Group health insurance specialists. We conduct annual industry analysis to ensure that our clients are offering the best possible plan both for their budget and their employees’ needs. We represent all the major health insurance carriers.

  • CA industry competitive plan analysis
  • Provider network analysis
  • RX drug analysis
  • Custom SG Vinclair web page that complies with PPACA
  • SG plan administration support
    • New enrollments
    • Terminations
    • Changes
  • Long-term care solutions

If you are a company with 5-99 employees and would like us to review your health insurance needs please contact us by Clicking Here